Why her, why me?
Why did this have to be?
What went wrong?
Was it the song?
Was it the right one?
Has she really won?
Is the battle done?
Should I be stunned?
Why'd it happen like this?
Should it be dismissed?
Why her? Why me?
Why did this have to be?
-"Josanna Reese"
Bad news and good news. Before when I mentioned i made it into my classes, I forgot to mention one of the ones I really wanted to get into: Chamber Singer! This is my school's more advanced choral ensemble and I had to audition for it. Today, the choir teacher posted up the list of everyone who made it in and my name was right there on the list! Unfortunately, one of my closer friends didn't and I was sad with her because the class wouldn't be as fun. ='[ This was disappointing and on top of that another girl who didn't even meet the prerequisite of having at least one year in the school choir got in! It was rather unfair and now I am upset, sad, and angry but still happy/relieved. I'm still not totally happy about that list though and I won't be for a while...at least I've got tonight to look forward to...
everything happens for a reason cousin. sometimes even if it is disagreeable we must continue. G'luck with your classes